Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Artists Foundation

The Artists Foundation was founded in Boston in 1973. It primarily works with artists in the Greater Boston area and nearby cities.

"The mission of the Artists Foundation: is to nourish excellence in the arts by enhancing the public role and economic position of artists; to build community among practicing artists and new communication between this vital community and the public; to support access to essential resources for artists in all disciplines, particularly low income and under served artists' access to health care and other social services; and to sponsor exhibitions of art for art's sake as well as innovative uses of art to promote public consideration of issues vital to diverse social, political, and economic groups."

The Foundation does a great job in creating the opportunity for artists to network with other artists in the art community, the general public, as well as private businesses. It strongly supports artists through resources that provide information on health care, job searches, tips for being in the arts and funding opportunities.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Creative Time

[David Byrne's installation invites visitors to create music with infrastructure.] David Byrne's installation

Founded in 1974, Creative Time is dedicated to commissioning, producing and presenting progressive public artworks in all media. Based in NY, Creative Time is one of the premiere institutions for producing public art.

Creative Time learns about artists' projects through the following:

1. Through a monthly Open Door program, Creative Time invites artists to apply for an opportunity to share their project ideas in-person. They provide confidential feedback, advice, and guidance.

2. Artists who are not New York City-based, but wish to share projects, may send their proposals to the programming team for review.

3. With Requests For Proposals (RFPs), Creative Time invites artists to submit projects responding to a specific opportunity. These opportunities are announced on our website as they become available.

4. Creative Time also directly approaches artists to cultivate ideas for projects, which are then developed over a period of weeks or years, depending on the needs of the individual project.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


I am an art professor and am putting together a list of essential resources for visual and performing artists. Whether you are in school or working as an artist you may find this blog helpful.

Let's start with Artangel.

Artangel is based in London and give grants to artists for production of new work. Since the early 1990s, Artangel has been collaborating with artists and engaging the public with a series of successful commissions. This non-profit is committed to the production of new ideas by outstanding artists.

Artangel works with filmmakers, writers, visual artists, composers, choreographers and performers who can respond to the unique opportunity an Artangel project
can offer.

“Some of the most ambitious and memorable
work of the last decade…”
Time Out