Thursday, January 28, 2010


Art&Education, established in New York in 2006, reaches an international network of over 70,000 visual-art professionals and academics on a daily basis through its website and email list. The website posts announcements and distributes information on the world's most important contemporary art exhibitions, publications and symposia taking place within educational contexts and lists current academic employment opportunities in the visual arts.

The Arts University College at Bournemouth: The art institute has posted a call for applications for the post of Head of School of Design and Associate Dean.
Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum: The Washington University's Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts' museum in Saint Louis presents "Allison Smith: Needle Work." The artist's works are critically engaging and convey popular forms of historical reenactment. Using sculpture, fabrics, ceramics and other traditional crafts, Smith seeks to "redo, re-stage and re-figure our sense of collective memory."

School of Visual Arts 2010: The school is calling for applicants for its Arts Abroad Programs. Limited space is available for programs in the following places: Barcelona, Florence, Milan, Rome, Puerto Rico, Southern France / Provence, Shanghai, Venice.

UC San Diego, Visual Arts Department: UC San Diego's Visual Arts Department is hosting a series of lectures and panels investigating contemporary theories, practices and debates in the making and reception of public culture as they move through the visual sphere.

Click here for news from art&education.

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Thursday, January 14, 2010

A Useful Resource for Chicago Artists

Chicago is one of America's largest cities and contains a thriving (and growing) art scene. From the world-renowned Art Institute of Chicago to the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, there is so much to see and do, it's almost overwhelming. For Chicago-area artists, I suggest visiting the Chicago Artists Resource, an extensive website that offers useful links, articles, and advice for visual and performance artists and contains a plethora of information regarding business, careers, resources, education, opportunities, etc.

The resources section (under "Visual Arts") mentions relevant issues and current articles -divided by topic - related to artists. One such article (under the "Health / Wellness" topic) deals with health care, one of the nation (and world's) most pressing issues and something that affects everyone from politicians to housewives.

The article, titled "Artists United for Health Care," discusses the organization's partnership with the Center for Cultural Innovation and Leveraging Investments in Creativity and their collaborative launching of a united artists' health care reform website. As the article states, the website's goal is to give artists the chance to get directly involved in advocating for meaningful and real reform. To read the entire (important) article, click here.

Other topics included under the "Visual Arts" Resources section include suppliers and services (read how to use the Internet to Market Your Work), advocacy (find out more about the Illinois Arts Council Individual Artist Initiative) and networks (split up into sub-topics like neighborhood organizations, religious artists, artists with disabilities, and many more).

For a list of current and upcoming exhibitions and other art-related events in Chicago, click here.

For a comprehensive list of Chicago's art museums and galleries, click here.