The Los Angeles based non-profit,
18th Street Art Center, aims to provoke public dialogue through contemporary art making. For the 2010 exhibition year, 18th Street Arts Center is seeking proposals from artists, teams of artists, and curators which addresses a common theme; the status of our creative economy.
About Status Report: The Creative Economy
A creative economy is characterized by the key economic factors of talent, innovation and creativity. As the notion of a creative class is widely discussed, promoted and debated, it is apparent through recent research that these factors are not distributed evenly across the economy, but instead seem concentrated in specific locations. Where people gather is critical in stimulating new sources of growth, new idea generation, and an increase in productivity.
Los Angeles is often described as one of these places. After a turbulent economic year where do we stand? Are we on the way up, on the way down, or stuck in neutral? Who are the players and mediators in a creative economy, and how is it changing? Who is included and who is excluded? How are artists responding to seismic changes in the arts and culture market, and what are the new models they are developing to support the production of their work, and the dissemination of their ideas? How should our cultural institutions, both non - profit and for profit, be responsive to the overall health of the Los Angeles creative economy?
18th Street is interested in proposals which look at new methods of research and artistic production which address issues of civic engagement and personal responsibility, local community and its diversity, demographics and equity, conflict resolution and social awareness, and the re-development of the urban environment as a holistic and spiritual enterprise.
Selected proposals will be offered:
Three month residency at 18th Street Arts Center
Fee ranging from $2500-5000 to complete the proposed project
Will be presented during our quarterly Art Nights, as either an exhibition, or a public project
We encourage and will most closely look at proposals which use our gallery and project room as a laboratory/studio for new work and ideas. Artists will be encouraged to use our site as a point of interaction, production, and inquiry.
Proposals will be accepted from individual artists as well as teams of artists, and from curators. A catalogue will be published for all of the projects.
To submit a proposal:
Please send a concise proposal of no more than three pages by June 30, 2009; it should include the project description which relates to the theme Status Report: The Creative Economy; the names and a brief bio of project participants; up to 12 images of art works or previous projects which have bearing on the proposal (jpeg format, no larger than 6" x 4", 200dpi); and a preliminary budget as to how the funds will be used, showing any additional sources of support.
Proposals should be submitted on-line to:
ccampbell (at)
or mailed to:
Clayton Campbell, Artistic Director
18th Street Arts Center
1639 18th Street
Santa Monica, CA 90404