Kiki Smith, Brodsky Center for Innovative Editions
New Jersey Print and Paper Fellowships 2009
Deadline: May 20th, 2009
New Jersey artists are invited to apply for a two week residency at the Brodsky Center For Innovative Editions. The artist will work with a master printer or papermaker to produce a print or handmade paper project. Participants will receive a $500 honorarium and ½ the edition. All projects will be completed within the residency period. This competition is open to artists in any medium.
Jurors are; Latoya Frazier, Director, MGSA Galleries, Rutgers; Stephen Westfall, Artist: and John Yau, Critic and Poet.
This competition is open for New Jersey residents only. Must show proof of residence (copy of utility or phone bill with application).
10 jpegs on a CD not exceeding 72dpi and 5x7 in either height or width. Slides are not accepted. Each image must be labeled with artist last name and image number (ie….Lastname_01.jpeg). Resume. Image list including name, title, size, and medium. Statement of why you want to work with the BCIE and the project you would like to pursue in 500 words or less. Proof of residency. SASE
Send to:
Brodsky Center, Mason Gross School of the Arts, visual Arts, 33 Livingston Ave, New Brunswick, NJ 08901
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